Please note as for all health testing the DNA tests and profiles only have to be performed on dogs that you are breeding from in your kennels and should be completed prior to submitting the litter notification.
DNA profiling requires that a mouth swab is taken from your dog and sent to an approved laboratory for testing.
Currently GTG in Australia is our closest DNA laboratory.
Your veterinarian can obtain test kits from Gribbles laboratories and submit the samples through them.
The RRP for the test is $90NZ. Please note that your vet may charge a fee for DNA collection and paperwork.
GTG do have accredited DNA collectors that are also able to collect samples.
Please note you DO NOT require a BITSA profile
Most required DNA tests are available through Animal Network and Orivet laboratories.
Testing kits are available through your veterinarian from Gribbles or NZVP laboratories and can be submitted via your veterinarian.
If you have trouble sourcing a required DNA test then please contact the ABS committee on abs@nzkc.org.nz
ASAP laboratories in Australia have recently started offering similar testing to GTG
Tests that currently must be sourced elsewhere:
Juvenile Epilepsy - Laggotto Romagnolo
Glycogen Storage Disease - Curly Coated Retriever